- Engine (Engine - ENG, DME, DDE, CDI, ERE, etc.);
- Anti-lock braking systems(ABS);
- Passive safety systems (SRS, AirBag);
- Air conditioners and climate control systems (AC/Heater -AAC, Climate Control);
- Immobilizers and other anti-theft equipment;
- Car suspension (Airmatic, etc.), Cruise control systems(Cruise Control -CC);
- Audio and video systems(CD-changer, TV-tuner, Audio system);
- Navigation and communication systems;
- Control systems for seats, glasses, sunroofs, mirrors, headlights;
- Reading, decoding and deleting error codes;
- Reading information from sensors and displaying current parameters;
- Electronic control units coding;
- Resetting service intervals;
- Activacion of executive mechanisms;
- Huge list of supported car brands;
- And much more